transit - abstract | Teil 3 | > Matthew Deleget

geboren born 1972, lebt und arbeitet lives and works in New York

Ausstellungsansichten view of exhibition:

beide: Shuffle, 2006, Acryl on Masonite
20 x 20 inches
auf Wandfarbe "bubble-gum-pink"

Shuffle, 2006, Acryl on Masonite
20 x 20 inches
auf Wandfarbe "bubble-gum-pink"
(r. Daniel Crews)

weitere Arbeiten further art work:

Case Study - Devil, Case Study - Outsider, Case Study - Infidel (left to right)
Installation view at Hunter College/Times Square Gallery, New York, NY, 2006

Red, Red, Red, Redder than Red
Acrylic on paper, 32 sheets to be installed in any order, 4 feet x 8 feet, 2006, Private collection; Installation view at Hebel_121, Basel, Switzerland, 2006,

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